Making a Submission on the Draft Declaration

Individuals and groups are invited to make a submission on the text of the draft declaration.

ARIEL is committed to assisting the submission process and bringing comments and concerns raised by stakeholders to the Working Group on Environmental Rights. The next meeting of the Working Group on Environmental Rights will be in early May.

The closing date for submissions via this portal is Tuesday, 30 April 2024, to allow the ARIEL team to review submissions and prepare a report for the next meeting of the Working Group.

To make a submission, you may use the QR code to take you to the Google document or click on the button at the top of the page. Submissions may be confidential. It is suggested to have a copy of the draft document ready to allow you to refer to the various sections. There are a few optional questions at the end of the submission form. Your answers will assist ARIEL in preparing the submission to the Working Group.